The Buffalo Project

Keeping a buffalo in a home helps the families in various ways. They can use the milk for themselves and also sell what they don’t need, including calves and meat.

In 2018/2019 Direkthilfe Nepal (DHN) started their project and provided four families, whose children are studying at JES and were particularly in need, with one buffalo each. These students were:

Diya T., Anita N., Pratika B. and Priya P.

This project has been very successful and money on it is well spent, for the following reasons:

Having a buffalo makes it possible for the families not only to feed themselves better but also earn some money on the side. It creates a modest family income, makes it possible to e.g. clear a mortgage and lift the family out of the most dire poverty.

This project has become an important part of the good work that DHN is doing for the children and their families at JES here in Amppipal. Much appreciated are also the school meals that are handed out three times a week.

In the meantime, eight buffaloes have been given to poor families who are full of praise in view of the positive effects that keeping these animals has had on their lives. Everybody I spoke to bears witness to that.

So a big thank you to everyone who contributed and made this project and DHN’s work in general possible. We feel deep gratitude to you all.

With my very best wishes,

Subash Rana

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